Tuesday, March 10, 2020

January 22, 2020 Back to Israel

I flew from Las Vegas to Tel Aviv with a layover in New York at JFK airport.  As we were deplaning in Tel Aviv, I was standing in the aisle, when I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle and kind of crumpled as I couldn't bear weight on that foot.  Several people in the aisle saw what happened--someone had opened an overhead compartment and a glass bottle came flying out and hit my ankle.  Someone had put a loose, large glass bottle.  In fact, I knew who it was--before the flight started at JFK a man asked me to trade seats with him, as I had the aisle seat.  I declined, but he got the person on the other side of the row to trade with him, but he put his belongings in the overhead bin on my side of the aisle. 
I had to take a wheelchair out, had to have someone take me through customs, to the airport doctor and out to get a taxi.  I had planned to take the fast train to Jerusalem and have Lee pick me up at the station, but I was incapable.  When I got back to the Center, one of the nice security guys, put me in a wheelchair and wheeled med down the stairs!  Here's a picture of my swollen ankle,  Today (March 10) the swelling is almost gone, but I have a lot of nerve pain--shooting pain or vise-like grip pains, which I think is caused by the swelling pushing on nerves.  I tried to see a doctor here, but was told they couldn't help me.  And now with corona virus so rampant, I don't want to sit in a doctor's office because I seriously could die if I get the virus.

Bin where the glass bottle came from:

Swollen ankle about 30 minutes after it happened.

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