Saturday, August 17, 2019

Where Can You Buy a Fan???

After Lee was called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Beer Sheva Branch, and after talking with the 30 year old Branch President, who is a PhD student, I thought it would be great to buy Pres. Scott and his wife, Hannah, a box fan for their non-air conditioned apartment.  Beer Sheva is the desert land where Abraham and Isaac lived, and it is 110-120 in the summer.  They were suffering in their very  hot apartment, with their one year old son. 
So we began our search for a hard could it be?  Well, 5 days and many hours later, after going to the Mall, the appliance store, asking Maintenance where to get one, we decided to walk into the Old City to look.  Maintenance had access to a very small, weak fan, but I wanted a powerful box fan.  I vaguely remembered seeing a fan store in the Old City, on the way to Omar's Olive Wood store.  So we walked to the Old City and yes, we found the perfect fan!  The store keeper was a young adult Palestinian who spoke English.  He was very nice, only took cash, and the purchase was made!  We have chuckled about this multiple times, as a Box Fan has become a metaphor for all the difficult things we do that should be easy and straight forward.  The Scotts loved the fan and are happy to have a cooler home!

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