Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Attack of Black Mold

The bathroom door kept sticking--it wouldn't close all the way.  We called Maintenance and they said we needed to open a window after showering (there are no air vents) to the room could dry out.  But, they did come and plane the door and we were able to close it for about two weeks.  Then, it started sticking again.  
Lee decided to investigate more closely and noticed that the door jamb was warped.  We have a coat rack that brushes up against the wall outside the bathroom and Lee pushed the coats away and saw this:

Black mold

Then we found fuzzy mold growing on Lee's coat.

I think we were both totally freiked out!  It was GROSS!  So we pulled the coat rack out, washed all the coats in hot water and called maintenance.  They found a leak in the air conditioning system in the ceiling above the wall where the black mold was.  Because of language differences, we don't know if they actually fixed the leak (we hope so and think so) but they redid the bathroom door again, only this time they took the door off and really fixed it and when they put it back on, they caulked it.  They didn't didn't take off the wall board, but cleaned off the black mold.  Unbeknownst to them, I also sprayed the black mold with bleach.  A couple days later we came back from our Music Office and found that the wall had been painted over.  So, we really don't know that they truly fixed the problem, but you can't see any mold now.

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