Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 10, 2019--Adventure in the Post Office

Despite asking the secretary to order more envelopes, none came and we finally ran out.  Neomi told us we could buy them at the Post Office and asked us to get some.  Our office uses 20 envelopes a day, as we put the ticket orders in the envelopes.  So off we go to the Post Office, thinking that is a very strange place to buy envelopes--but what do we know?   When we got there, there were at least 20 people there and we could see that we needed to take a number, which we did.  Then we waited...and waited...and waited.  After an hour, our number had still not come up, but I could see that the people who were being helped had  not been there when we first arrived.  So when a booth became empty, I jumped up and told the man we wanted to buy envelopes.  We were directed to another man, who got 60 envelopes and told us that was all they had.  Amazing!  We hope to go to some type of Office Depot in a mall and get a big box, sometime in the near future!

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