Friday morning I awoke to a beautiful flower arrangements that the kids had sent. Then Bryson gave me flowers and Nutella! I felt thoroughly loved by my children! Thank you! Lee and I went to an endowment session and spent time at the office turning in the papers so Lee could do the sealing and wedding the next day. When we got back we took a quick nap (and I prepared clothes for that night and the next day) and then left for the Tea Ceremony.
We were curious about the Chinese tradition of the wedding Tea Ceremony, as it was our first. It was a beautiful time when Angela and Cameron offered herbal tea as a way to honor grandparents, parents, family and friends. They offered tea to the grandmothers, then Angela's parents and then us. It originally signaled that the bride was officially joining the husband's family and would no longer have contact with her own. Luckily, that tradition has changed! Angela's parents are so kind and gracious and full of faith and testimony. Here are some pictures:
There was a 9 course meal that was so beautiful and artistic.
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